A Wave Simulator and Active Heave Compensation Framework
JOpenShowVar, a communication interface to Kuka robots
2014, May, 20 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Modular H-shaped four-legged robot

This is another student project at Aalesund University College, Mechatronics course (Spring semester 2012). The main idea of this project consists of developing a modular "H"-shaped four-legged robot. The robot should have the pose and locomotion capabilities of standing, crawling, turning, and lateral crawling, ... The initial mockup of the project is described in the figure below.

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2014, May, 20 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Modular five legged robot

This is another student project at Aalesund University College, Mechatronics course (Spring semester 2012). The main idea of this project consists of developing a modular five-limbed robot. The goal is to develop a versatile robotic mobile platform featuring an easy-to-build mechanical structure, various locomotion capabilities and high manipulation flexibility. The initial mockup of the project is described in the image below.

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2014, May, 17 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Bambini e anziani allo stadio in Norvegia, il calcio come una festa

Un'altra differenza tra l'Italia e la Norvegia riguarda il modo di vivere il calcio. In Italia, il più delle volte, le partite allo stadio si trasformano in vere e proprie battaglie tra i tifosi ultras e le forze dell'ordine, battaglie che spesso terminano con veri e propri bollettini di guerra, sparatorie e morti. In Italia, addirittura, i capi ultras decidono se e come giocare le partite, vedi ultimo caso eclatante della finale di coppa Italia.

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2014, May, 17 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Gratulerer med Dagen, Norge!

Here some photos...a lot of photos... I shoot for the Nasjonaldagen 2014 in Ålesund. Enjoy!

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2014, May, 13 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Ålesund Ballettskole, Cirque Des Rêves (premiere)

Aalesund Ballet School's big autumn show. Check out the premiere of Cirque Des Rêves, the show that these talented students have performed last year, autumn 2013. Here some shoots I took during the premiere.

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2014, May, 13 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

ICMA 2014, notification of paper acceptance

The following two papers have been accepted at 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2014). The authors and the titles of the accepted papers are as follows: F. Sanfilippo, L. I. Hatledal, H. Zhang and K. Y. Pettersen. Mapping Approach for Controlling Different Maritime Cranes and Robots Using ANN; Y. Chu, F. Sanfilippo, V. Æsøy and H. Zhang. An Effective Heave Compensation and Anti-sway Control Approach for Offshore Hydraulic Crane Operations. C

2014, May, 12 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Holmenkollstafetten 2014, Aalesund University College

Aalesund University College joined the traditional Holmenkollstafetten in Oslo. In the above foto you can see our team this year 2014 celebrating after the race. Here the results for our team. My section was n. 13.

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2014, May, 12 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Il giorno di San Filippo, ti ho sognato nonna Filippina!

Stanotte, alla vigilia della festa del Santo Protettore di Agira, San Filippo, sei tornata nonna! Proprio nel giorno in cui si festeggia il tuo nome ed il mio nome! Ero a casa tua, sotto, nella stanza dove c'è il cucinino. Stavo appendendo i panni...questo particolare è strano perchè a ècasa tua, tu eri la donna..eri tu che ti prendevi cura di tutto e di tutti. Stavo salutando la tu vicina di casa, Lina. Tu arrivi, entri nella stanza. La tua pelle sembra di seta. I tuoi occhi brillano, ris

2014, May, 12 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

The demonstrator and imitator robots

This post describe another project that I have assigned to our students at Aalesund University College while teaching mechatronics. In particular, this project addresses the problem of body mapping in robotic imitation where the demonstrator and imitator robots may not share the same embodiment (degrees of freedom, body morphology, constraints and so on).

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2014, May, 8 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

VIDEO: Sykkelløp, a motorcycle race competition at AAUC

Sykkelløp, this is the norwegian word for the motorcycle race competition that involves our first year students at Aalesund University College. This competition became a tradition, since it has been hold for several years now. It is a way to motivate our students in working in teams on the design or redesign of motorcycles and other kind of vehicles. Our students have the chance to learn about mechanics and to apply this knowledge in a very practical way. This competition has been organised und

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2014, May, 8 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Research has no age limits! Today, primary school students are visiting the MechLab.

Today, two primary school students are visiting our Mechatronics Lab at Aalesund University College. Research has no age limits :)

2014, May, 7 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

A collection of student projects from the Mechatronics bachelor course at AAUC

I want to share my teaching experience with the Mechatronics course at Aalesund University College. Here you can find a collection of small student projects and assignments from the Spring semester 2012, bachelor course.

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Filippo Sanfilippo