A Wave Simulator and Active Heave Compensation Framework
JOpenShowVar, a communication interface to Kuka robots

Tag: situational awareness

A Multi-Sensor System for Enhancing Situational Awareness and Stress Management for People with ASD in the Workplace and in Everyday Life

A new paper has been accepted for publication in the Proceeding of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), Maui, Hawaii, United States of America, January 8-11, 2019. The selected article is: Filippo Sanfilippo and Kiran Raja. A Multi-Sensor System for Enhancing Situational Awareness and Stress Management for People with ASD in the Workplace and in Everyday Life. In Proceeding of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), Maui, Ha

2015, November, 2 Filippo Sanfilippo 0

Integrated Marine Operation Simulator Facilities for Risk Assessment Including Human Factors

Real offshore operational scenarios can involve a considerable amount of risk. Sophisticated training programmes involving specially designed simulator environments constitute a promising approach for improving an individual's perception and assessment of dangerous situations in real applications. One of the world's most advanced providers of simulators for such demanding offshore operations is the Offshore Simulator Centre AS (OSC). However, even though the OSC provides powerful simulation tool

Filippo Sanfilippo