A Wave Simulator and Active Heave Compensation Framework
JOpenShowVar, a communication interface to Kuka robots

Open PhD Fellowships in Robotics, AI, smart cities, intelligent health. Join our team!

Do you want to join our vibrant and motivated research team at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, and start your research journey in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence, intelligent health, smart cities? The following three exciting PhD Fellowships are currently open for application:

Install ROS and Gazebo on Ubuntu Linux 14.04

To achieve ROS integration with stand-alone Gazebo, the following steps may be followed.

A summary of my research and publications for the year 2015

The year 2015 has been an exceptionally productive year from a research point of view.

A list of my publications for the year 2015 is reported in the following.

Filippo Sanfilippo