This prize is not mine. I dedicate it to my hardworking students from the Real-Time Computer Programming course of the BSc Program in Automation Engineering, Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Aalesund University College. Third Prize at the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2015), ocean paper poster competition.
I am very glad to announce that the new architecture of ModGrasp, one of my recent work, has been awarded with a Scholarship at the Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain.
Paraplegia is a disability caused by impairment in motor or sensory functions of the lower limbs. Most paraplegic subjects use mechanical wheelchairs for their movement, however, patients with reduced upper limb functionality may benefit from the use of motorised, electric wheelchairs. Depending on the patient, learning how to control these wheelchairs can be hard (if at all possible), time-consuming, demotivating, and to some extent dangerous. This paper proposes a game-based learning framework
This paper demonstrates rapid prototyping of a stroke rehabilitation system consisting of an interactive 3D virtual reality computer game environment interfaced with an EEG headset for control and interaction using brain waves. The system is intended for training and rehabilitation of partially monoplegic stroke patients and uses low- cost commercial-off-the-shelf products like the Emotiv EPOC EEG headset and the Unity 3D game engine. A number of rehabilitation methods exist that can improve mo
An open-source robot marker holder that can be connected to the FESTO Parallel gripper DHPS. This robot marker holder can be 3D-printed by using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) manufacturing technology, thus making the rapid-prototyping process very economical and fast. A self-locking mechanism allows for docking the marker in a very reliable way. The pen holder incorporates a metal spring that allows for accommodating a variety of movements for the robot without requiring high accuracy
This work presents the development of an open-source low-cost framework for a fully-immersive haptic, audio and visual experience. This framework is realised by exclusively adopting commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components and tools. In particular, vibration actuators and open-source electronics are employed in the design of a pair of novel and inexpensive haptic gloves. These gloves allow for establishing a kinaesthetic link between a human operator interacting with a computer-generated envir
I am currently writing a research article to be submitted to the European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS). As for all my other scientific articles, I am using LaTeX as typesetting system. I am a big fan of LaTeX not only because it is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents but also because this system is available as free software.
I am especially thankful to Professor Webjørn Rekdalsbakken, Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Aalesund University College. He gave me the chance to teach Real time computer programming together with Girts Strazdins and with Ivar Blindheim. I really enjoyed this experience. During the last year course in Real Time Systems, our students focused on several challenges that currently affect the filed of maritime applications and related industry. In the following, an overview of the
Today, I got some good news, another paper has been accepted for publication in the Proc. of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015) to be held in Seville, Spain, March 17-19, 2015. The selected article is: Filippo Sanfilippo, Houxiang Zhang, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen, "The New Architecture of ModGrasp for Mind-Controlled Low-Cost Sensorised Modular Hands". I am very happy for the result especially because as I know the ICIT committee has received a record n
This week is a special one. It is the coding and programming week arranged over large parts of the world, a project which involves little students and people of all ages getting a complete insight into programming. Aalesund University College has been involved in this fantastic project and thanks to my colleague, Kjell Inge Tomren, I also had the chance to give my contribution to the event. Programming is fun, and teaching programming to little students is even more exciting!
I am happy to share all the photos from "Alice in Wonderland" realised by Ålesund Ballettskole. ALL THE PHOTOS (700 shots in full resolution) can be retrieved FOR FREE. Please consider to make a donation by following the link below. Feel free to like and share my facebook page.
Publications F. Sanfilippo, H. Zhang and K. Y. Pettersen. The New Architecture of ModGrasp for Mind-Controlled Low-Cost Sensorised Modular Hands. In Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain. 2015, 524–529. Video