This post describe another project that I have assigned to our students at Aalesund University College while teaching mechatronics. In particular, this project addresses the problem of body mapping in robotic imitation where the demonstrator and imitator robots may not share the same embodiment (degrees of freedom, body morphology, constraints and so on).
Sykkelløp, this is the norwegian word for the motorcycle race competition that involves our first year students at Aalesund University College. This competition became a tradition, since it has been hold for several years now. It is a way to motivate our students in working in teams on the design or redesign of motorcycles and other kind of vehicles. Our students have the chance to learn about mechanics and to apply this knowledge in a very practical way. This competition has been organised under the supervision of Professor Hans Petter Hildre, Andre Tranvåg and others. Here you can find some photos of this super fun event.
Today, two primary school students are visiting our Mechatronics Lab at Aalesund University College. Research has no age limits :)