Recently, the Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Aalesund University College (AAUC) has been granted with an Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training project which aims to establish a teaching exchange program with the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (UASUA).
Within this project, my colleague Siebe van Albada (Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences (AIR), AAUC) and I had the honour to visit the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Engineering and Environmental Sciences in Wels. To establish the exchange program, Siebe initially presented our university in front of an audience of local students and a representative of different professors. Later on I gave a presentation titled "Alternative Design and Control Methods for Robotic Modular Hands". I also had the opportunity to present some results and some student projects from the courses that I have been teaching during the last years at AAUC including the topics of Real-Time Computer Programming, Mechatronics and System Modelling at both bachelor and master levels.
On behalf of AAUC, we are very grateful to Professor Burkhard Stadlmann and to the local International Office at Wels Campus. We also had the opportunity to visit the local facilities and laboratories. Professor Burkhard Stadlmann gave us the possibility of sharing our research activity and to discuss the possible elective courses that our students can choose during their exchange program.
I am especially thankful to Professor Webjørn Rekdalsbakken from the Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences (AIR), AAUC. He was the one who initiated the negotiation for establish this exchange program. I am also thankful to Anne Ulla that is the head of the International Office at AAUC.